

Why the outer suburbs are the best at Working from Home

There were some unexpected and very positive findings in the NGAA’s new research on the lived experience of working from home in Australia’s outer suburbs during the Covid-19 lockdown. Join us on Wednesday, August 5  for the launch. REGISTER HERE   

How has WFH impacted the wellbeing of millions of outer suburbanites who would normally spend hours every day commuting? The research shows:

  • The many benefits for growth area residents of working from home, and the unexpected differences between growth areas and other urban areas
  • Our changing infrastructure investment needs with 500,000 people in the outer suburbs working from home instead of commuting
  • The coffee effect: the boost to local economies from people working locally
  • How working from home creates more business and employment opportunities for people living in outer suburbs, no longer limited by distance
  • How the 5 million people living in Australia’s outer urban growth areas can continue to benefit from working from home after COVID-19

Online event

Free for NGAA Members, $55 for non-members



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