
Strong Vision in Australia’s Fast Growing Outer Suburbs: 2018 NGAA Awards

The 2018 National Growth Area Alliance Awards in Campbelltown this week was a showcase of the vision and expertise that is building Australia’s diverse outer suburban growth areas. Winning projects included innovative uses of technology, a successful community program to prevent family violence, a suburb-wide urban planning approach and a $109 million community recreation facility.

The biennial NGAA Awards celebrate outstanding projects that support the development of growth areas and this year attracted a record twenty two submissions.

This year’s winners in each Award category are:

Category: Designing the Outer Suburbs of the Future

Winner: City of Wanneroo – Activating Yanchep for the future by building on the past

Investing in an area destined to be the next strategic metro centre of  Perth’s north, focusing on investments directly linked to supporting residents' quality of life: Mary Lindsay Homestead arts and community space, Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club, Yanchep District Open Space: Splendid Park.

Commendation: Melton City Council – Atherstone Library Access Point

In partnership with Lendlease, Council implemented a self-service library co-located within a Community Centre consisting of a 'click and collect' library locker system and information kiosk. The Atherstone Library Access Point provides early activation of library services in a place for a growing community without a walkable library branch. It’s an Australian first for public library services.

Category: Creating Value through Growth

Winner: City of Wanneroo – Kinkuna Park Smart Playground Technology

Kinkuna Park is the site of Australia's first installation of Biba smart playground technology, a ground breaking partnership project involving Biba, Landcorp, Satterley Property Group, the City of Wanneroo and The Playground Centre. Biba’s games are designed to help parents reorient kids’ screen fixation to the outdoors. It combines digital and physical play, fuels children’s imagination and motivates them to get moving.

Commendation: City of Playford – Prince George Plaza

Delivering a digitally connected CBD with improved pedestrian links and a community meeting place balanced with green spaces and open landscapes. The development has delivered a vibrant, socially engaging place and has created land value uplift as well as becoming a key local attraction for visitors.

Category: Building Connections in Growth Areas

Winner: City of Cockburn – Cockburn Aquatic and Recreation Centre

A $109 million, 23,000m integrated aquatic, recreation, education and elite-athlete training facility for the community serving a regional population of more than 207,000 people and spanning three NGAA member Councils - Cockburn, Kwinana and Armadale. A collaborative effort, it was developed in partnership with the Fremantle Football Club and Curtin University through funding support from the WA and Australian goverments.

Commendation: Cardinia Shire Council – Together we can do it

As a shire that experiences one of the highest reported incidents of family violence in Victoria, Cardinia Shire took a cooperative and supportive approach to raise awareness and to enact long-term change. Together we can do it is a whole-of-community initiative to stop, prevent and end family violence involving residents, workplaces, community services, government agencies, clubs, media, schools and health services working together.


NGAA Chair, Mayor Glenn Docherty said, “The diversity of the winning and commended projects show that our member councils are responding to the challenges of growth with creative and industry-leading solutions. Congratulations to everyone involved in the winning and commended projects for your fantastic work.”

“Building assets and investing in communities to shape the future takes not only money but a strong vision,” Mayor Docherty said.

This year’s record number of entries was assessed by an independent judging panel: Dr Paul Maginn, Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia; Rebecca Douthwaite, National Policy Manager of the Property Council of Australia and Michael Campbell, Director and Principal Consultant, Lucid Economics.

The 2018 NGAA Awards were generously sponsored by Astrolabe Group.



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