Research Partners

Current and recently completed Partner-led research projects

NGAA will offer the opportunity for members to “opt in” to research programs if possible, as each project progresses.

Updated October 2022

Topic Description Duration Source Status

Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) Inquiry Panel - Urban Productivity and Affordable Rental Housing Supply

University of Sydney, RMIT, Swinburne

End 2019  

Complete - see report here


Life Course Centre

The Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course (called Life Course Centre or LCC) is investigating the critical factors underlying disadvantage to provide life-changing solutions for policy and service delivery.

The aim is to identify the drivers of disadvantage, characterised by the spread of social and economic poverty within families and across generations, and to develop innovative solutions to reduce disadvantage.

2019-2026 ARC Centre of Excellence: University of Queensland, the University of Western Australia Exploring research proposals
University of Western Australia and University of Melbourne

Funded by the Urban Studies Foundation (UK)

An exploration of ‘unmet research needs that could drive policy innovation in place-based interventions to overcome disadvantage’. NGAA collaborated on a workshop on Peripheral Centralities – Politics, Policy & Practice held in conjunction with NGAA Congress in November 2021. 

2021   See link to seminars here
Future Earth Australia

Future Earth Australia, hosted by the Australian Academy of Science, has undertaken an ambitious process of consultation across the Australian landscape of urban practitioners, researchers, stakeholders and communities to produce the Urban Systems Transformation Decadal Plan.

Based on the vision Australians have for their cities and their future, the Plan outlines six strategies to transform our settlements into powerful drivers for just and equitable sustainable development.

1. Have a vision for our cities and regions to drive progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.

2. Build an integrated national urban knowledge system that links research, policy and practice.

3. Strengthen local urban and regional innovation systems to engage with the research sector.

4. Build the urban knowledge management infrastructure to facilitate information sharing and best practice.

5. Support new capability and capacity for cross-sectoral urban knowledge, development and sharing.

6. Embed stakeholder and community engagement in knowledge building, policy and practice.

2018-19 Australian Academy of Science

Completed - see report here:

10 Year Strategy for Urban Systems Transformation