
Top 5 for Growth Areas in 2019

  1. Population Planning: January release of “Planning for Australia’s Future Population", a COAG discussion in August and the establishment of the Centre for Population in October.
  2. 2019-20 Federal Budget: wins for our Members including commitments to improve growth area infrastructure and an expanded Urban Congestion Fund focused on outer suburbs.
  3. May election outcomes: boosted Urban Congestion Fund allocations and two new City Deals in Melbourne.
  4. Infrastructure Australia: The 2019 Audit included community and social infrastructure for the first time which will help growth area councils make their case for better investment in these facilities.
  5. Nearly 150,000 people moved to or were born in an outer urban growth area this year, living in around 60,000 new houses.


Top 5 for NGAA in 2019

  1. Catch Up and National Nightmare Commute Day campaigns for the Federal Election, with outcomes including $740 million in transport funding to growth areas nationally, two City Deals in Melbourne and the phrase “catch up with the outer suburbs” becoming part of the discourse of both major parties.
  2. Launch of our Research Strategy, Research and Practice Reference Group and Research Hub, Research Partnerships were developed and we held our inaugural Symposium. More research details here.
  3. Significant governance changes including the new Strategic Advisory Committee (and a successful National Congress in Perth focussing on placemaking.
  4. A well-attended Parliamentary Friends for Better Cities presentation on NGAA Member’s research and innovation. The group is supported by the most influential national peak bodies working in Australian cities.
  5. Raising the profile of growth areas and influencing policy through Ministerial meetings, Ministerial Cities Reference Group, Infrastructure Australia briefings, conference presentations and national media appearances.

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