
Growth Area Projects on Infrastructure Priority List 2020

NGAA has been invited to submit a collated list of growth area projects to be considered for inclusion in the Infrastructure Priority List 2020. Submissions can be made at any time by individual councils, and inclusion in NGAA’s submission will help to strengthen the case for the project being of national significance.


NGAA Members discussed the project submission process in our April 2019 webinar where staff from Infrastructure Australia (IA) talked through the project submission process and outlined their assessment framework


The Priority List offers all levels of government and the private sector a prioritised list of national infrastructure challenges (or problems) and opportunities for the near, medium and longer term.


IA is seeking input in three ways:

  1. Submissions for new initiatives for the Priority List – read guidelines here 
  2. Updates to existing projects and initiatives on the Priority List – see the February 2019 edition here 
  3. Information on completed projects.

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