
Experts to Discuss Innovative Solutions for Housing Crisis at Upcoming NGAA Congress

As Australia grapples with a housing crisis, a new approach to tackling the shortage will be the focal point of the upcoming National Growth Areas Alliance (NGAA) Congress. The event, themed “Building Australia’s Newest Cities – A Model for the New Wave of Growth,” aims to foster innovative solutions and thought leadership to address this pressing issue.

A recent poll by YouGov indicates that 71% of Australians lack confidence in the Government’s current plans to provide secure and affordable housing (Source: This sentiment is supported by decade low building approval figures, revealing that the country is far behind the Housing Accord Targets (Source: ABS). The latest budget has not introduced any groundbreaking policies to expedite housing supply, and recently released funding programs barely scratch the surface of what is actually needed.

The NGAA are bringing together experts on urban development to lead the conversation and facilitate positive outcomes. Keynote speaker Heather McNell will share insights from Metro Vancouver’s successful housing model. This will be followed by a panel discussion led by Dr. Tim Williams from Grimshaw, examining lessons from the Western Sydney City Deal and innovative practices from Cloverton in Melbourne’s north. The panel will explore how these strategies can be integrated to create resilient, liveable, and thriving communities.

“Strong national leadership is essential to leverage the opportunities presented by our growth areas,” said Councillor Matthew Deeth, Chair of the NGAA. “It doesn’t make sense to waste time and money fixing planning systems and playing the blame game when solutions already exist. These solutions must start with local government knowledge and expertise, which will be on display at next week’s Congress.”

The NGAA Congress will take place next week in Penrith, serving as a platform for leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders to converge and develop actionable solutions to Australia’s housing crisis.

Details: 31 May, Western Sydney Conference Centre, Penrith. Ticket sales close this Friday. Book now. 


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