The National Growth Areas Alliance advocates at the Federal Government level for a stronger focus on the needs of Australia’s fast-growing outer suburbs, home to more than 5 million people.

The Alliance’s member councils are calling for dedicated funding for critical infrastructure and services for outer growth areas, and for all levels of government to commit to assisting outer metropolitan growth areas reach their full potential.



Member Webinar Building community resilience with Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale

Members are invited to join us for a webinar to hear directly from the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale’s project team and gain deeper insights into their approach on the Cardup Career Fire Station. There will be a Q&A session for members, and a recording will be made publicly available afterward.



NGAA Parliament House Event 2024

Thursday 21 November 2024, 9.30-11.00am

Mural Hall, Parliament House, Canberra

Our Member Councils